Voice-Enabled Chat Feature In Online Card Games Like Poker And Rummy
Online games with a realistic and engaging environment are allowing a huge inflow of revenue for gaming companies because gamers can play and interact simultaneously. The gradual growth in the number of hard-core gamers has put the online gaming industry into the mainstream. It is an online platform where gamers from all spheres of life meet to form a large and vibrant online entertainment communities.
Online games look way different from what they did when they first came to market. Today’s online game users expect advanced graphics, in-depth strategies, powerful game content, and the ability to play online with other members across the globe. Lots of innovations are happening in the online gaming industry, making this industry mainstream. In order to reshape your online gaming platform, either you come up with some completely unique idea or give a smart modification to your existing gaming app.
The latest digital technological world assists online gamers to communicate in better ways than ever before. A voice chat feature in online multiplayer games is a game-changer. This helps in making the gaming experience of your gaming platform exceptional.
As you all know about chat feature in any mobile app including gaming apps. A voice-enabled chat feature is one of the features that have shifted many online games to the next level. As an online rummy and poker game publisher, you too can come up with a Voice chat feature in your online rummy or poker platform.
Adding Fun Element to Game Play
Whether you are building adventure online games, puzzle games, action-packed games, or real-time strategy games, allowing players to interact with each other can add an element of entertainment to the game. Implementing voice-enabled chat feature into online card games like rummy and poker can add a fun element to gameplay. We, humans, are made to talk with each other while doing any daily activity. No one wants to keep silent. Voice chat element if integrated into online poker or rummy platforms can increase the fun factor of the game. Players can make comments on other players on the table while playing the game. Or at a private table, a player can share his or her funny incidence with friends while playing the game. So, playing online poker or rummy and interacting with other players via a voice chat feature would enhance the engagement level of your online poker and rummy gaming platform.
Making Realistic Gameplay
With the continuous evolution of digital technology, online game users (including online poker and rummy players) expect to experience a close to the real-time environment while playing online poker and online rummy gameplay.
In this social world, people love to interact with people with digital technology. So, if you are able to implement a voice-enabled chat feature in your poker and rummy game development project, then your online card gaming platform can make online card game lovers feel like live poker or rummy. Generally, the chat feature in such online card games works on the keypads of users’ smartphones in which the player had to chat with other players by messaging service. But, this way of interaction lacks realistic touch. So, with the continuous enhancement in mobile game development, you can offer your online game users with best user experience along with game content.
Video and Voice-enabled chat feature allow gamers to connect with each other seamlessly and effectively. And everyone would surely agree that this way of interaction is far better than sending text messages and waiting for reply-messages.
In the recent past, Indian online poker platform- 9Stacks has unveiled a “voice-enabled” chat feature on its newly-launched private tables.
The real-time voice chat functionality in the 9Stacks poker platform allows poker players to talk with other members as they play online poker. The online poker platform aimed at offering a live poker experience to players.
This amazing chat feature came during the social distancing and stay-at-home orders enforced in many places of the world amidst the coronavirus pandemic. This led to a surge in online private poker clubs and home games online.
Published in Poker Industry PRO-“When you consider the Voice-Enabled feature along with our industry-leading promotions and private tables for users to play only with their friends and relatives, we think we have a recipe for lasting retention,” said Sudhir Kamath, CEO & Co-Founder of 9Stacks.
“Our voice-enabled private tables now give them that opportunity. It is like hosting a poker party sitting at home, with complete authority to choose who all can be a part of that. In addition, private tables are password-protected, ensuring no gatecrashers at your poker party!” Sudhir added.
Wrapping Up
We can say that the online rummy and poker world are gaining popularity with innovative features like voice chat and other additional features.
If you are looking to take your online poker and rummy gaming platform to the next level, then try to integrate a voice-enabled chat feature. Voice chat feature would boost engagement level and also would help in improving the retention rate of your online gaming platform. A feature like voice chat can surely multifold the interest and marketability of your online poker and rummy platform.
We are one of the authentic and well-known Poker and Rummy game development companies that have been delivering online Poker and Rummy gaming platforms for Android and iOS mobile platforms. Our team of game developers is well-experienced and skilled in building many variants of online poker and rummy game.

Abhinav Chatterji
Abhinav Chatterji is part of the Digital Marketing team at Appinop Technologies. With a fine ability to craft writing pieces that present unique and fresher thought perspectives on different technology and business innovation factors, he creates content that connects with users. His deep-researched theories and valuable insights on industry-wide topics illustrate his accomplished writing portfolio. Product reviews, cost factor analysis, subject reasoning, and dissecting technologies are his power-traits.