8 Tips While Building Online Chess Gaming Platform
Chess is a board game where two players strategize and play, trying to win the game against each other. The game is played on a checkered piece of square board which consists of 64 squares, and each square is of 8 by 8 in size. Also, each player plays with 16 pieces, which consists of one king and one queen along with two rooks, two knights, two bishops, and eight pawns. There are two sets of these 16 pieces, one set is white, and the other set is black in color.
Though the game of chess is thought to be originated sometime around the 6th century from an Indian game known as “Chaturanga”, it’s not lost its charm or grit even after such a long time. By the 9th century, this board game reached Europe, but it only reached its current form in the latter part of the 15th century, in Spain. However, it’s only in the 19th century when the rules of the game got methodized as per modern times.
The existence of this game for this long a duration and its continuation even today proves it’s never failing popularity. No information is hidden in this game between the players and it’s only with strategy and tactics that one can win this board game and “Checkmate” the opponent. This game requires patience and sharpness of one’s mind improving focus and concentration. The 16 pieces have their individual moves while the queen is considered to be the most powerful and the pawn to be the weakest among these pieces.
Though developing an online game of chess from scratch is a little difficult task than developing any other online board game due to the many ways possible by which you can win, but it’s not an impossible task. So, if you have been thinking about building an online chess app to land a “checkmate”, you need to have a strong foundation, and for that, you need to follow these few steps.
1. Great Planning
Before you dive into the development of the chess game, you need to have an excellent plan set in place which will help you stay on your desired path, without deviating or going astray. This will help you in its better execution. The questions like How, when, and where must have answers ready before taking your first step towards building the online chess app of yours.
2. Abiding by the Rules
Every game has its own set of rules that needs to be followed while playing the game and chess isn’t any different from the others in regard to this. Understanding the rules of the game and making sure it’s well incorporated within the programming of the game is essential for the game to be successful and this will also help in keeping the players enthralled for a longer period of time.
3. Interface
Once the app is developed; it needs to be launched on platforms like Google Play Store, Apple Store, Windows, and any other platforms available like these so that it can be available for the general public to download it and play. Hence, understanding the importance of the app’s interface is critical. Every platform has its unique style of interface, and if you plan to make the app available on all of these platforms then you need to build the interface accordingly, it needs to be compatible in multiple platforms.
4. User-friendly
It’s a strategic board game that attracts people of all age groups. Hence, it’s important that the game is designed in a simple way so that it’s easy for anyone to navigate through. No matter what age group they belong to, they should be able to move around within the app without making it complicated. The simple and smooth transition from one tab to another or one screen to another within the app will unquestionably help the older generation. Hence, an easy to use layout will definitely increase the app’s popularity which will also lead to an increased footfall, which instead will increase the chances of a bigger player base.
5. Functions and features
While maintaining the simplicity and ease of the app’s try to sprinkle it with a few drops of uniqueness so that the app can still stand out amongst many others. Yes, it’s true, individuality does provide uniqueness, making it attractive, but while doing so do not let go of the game’s basic essence.
6. Developing and Execution
Even though all the points mentioned above are essential to getting a fantastic chess app built but to make it extraordinary, you need to also focus on the programming and graphics of the game as it’s the foundation or the base on which your app is going to be built. If you plan on building the app yourself, then you need to have knowledge on coding and programming, but if you choose to hire a game developer to help you with the developing of the online chess app, then it’s important that the developer not just has knowledge about how to build the app but has experience as well.
7. Fine Tuning
Once the online chess gaming app is developed, the final draft needs to be tried and tested properly to see if there is any fine-tuning required or not. It will always be advisable to test the app as per your chosen player base which in this case is all age group so spread the game out among all age group players and see how it performs and make sure to work on the feedback received, to iron out any glitches, errors or bugs.
8. Importance of Social Media
In today’s world, a social media site is considered an excellent place to promote anything and everything due to its huge customer base thus, collaborating with any or all social media platforms can help promote your app. People love to share their gaming performances on their social media accounts, so it automatically attracts eyes to it. If the chess player chooses to share his or her performance while playing the game on their social media profiles, then your work is done.
The world is moving towards digitalization at a rapid speed, and you can get almost anything and everything online. Similarly, the gaming world is also changing drastically; people have started playing games online along with doing all other things on their smartphones, and hence, the development of online games has boomed in recent times with its raising demands. Chess is played by people from all around the world, and they also belong to all age groups. This game is considered to be fun as well as educational.
As mentioned earlier, it’s not impossible to build a chess app. If you know what you want and how to get it, then the end product will definitely be successful. Chess is a game of patience, dedication, hard work, and strategic planning so is developing an app. The planning and execution are as crucial as getting the codes right, for you to build your own online chess board gaming platform.

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