How Much Cost You Will Incur to Develop an On-demand Car Wash Mobile App in the U.S.?
These smart-phones have drastically changed the way of handling different activities by the people. Now with the smart mobile apps, everything is possible with just a few taps.
The On-demand ideation is bringing immense opportunities for the end-users and business persons across the globe including the U.S.
For every car owner, washing the car is really a murky job to do. Or if as a car owner, you are thinking to arrange a technician to do the maintenance of your car, then also you need to be there and wait for the completion of the task.
Well, with an on-demand car wash and detailing app solution, car owners do not require to plan and arrange a cleaning service provider before an hour or so. Just all a car owner has to do is book the service provider on the scheduled date and time and within scheduled time get back the car safe and secure with complete detailing and washing at your doorstep. Isn’t an amazing deal!
According to IBISWorld, the market size, measured by revenue, of the Car Wash & Auto Detailing industry is $12.3bn in 2019.
Well, this is the right time to make a paradigm shift in your car wash and detailing business by investing in car wash app development. But before developing such an app, you must be thinking about the cost you will have to pay.
When you are asking about the cost of building a car wash app, then there’s ‘no one size fit all’ budget available for you.
This blog post can give you a close idea of calculating the price of your car washing app development project. Go through the below-listed pointers to estimate the pricing of your on-demand car wash app.
Do you need dedicated Developers or an App Development Firm?
This is the foremost step in developing a car wash app. The answer to this question will depend on the size, complexity, and timeline of the project. For a small-scale app project, you can hire dedicated mobile app developers. But for an end to end bigger projects like on-demand car wash app you should collaborate with an on-demand car wash app development firm. Along with the development part, you can get several other value-added benefits with the app in this case.
In the case of small projects, hire dedicated app developers which will cost you based on hourly work.
Hourly charge for a developer in the US: $50 – $200
And for bigger projects from scratch, collaborate with App Development Company. The charges will depend upon various factors. As you proceed further with the blog, you will get to know the charges.
What’s your Choice of Platforms -Hybrid or Native?
Apps that are built on Native platform require more development time but once created, are very fast and have great user experience. On the other hand, Hybrid apps have the combined power of both native and web apps. Hybrid apps take lesser development time but the speed of the app depends on the user’s browser. So, you will get a cost variation between these two platforms. Developing a Native app will cost you more than a Hybrid app.
Hybrid app: $20000
Native Apps for both iOS & Android: $35000
What features & functionalities do you need?
The cost of car washing mobile app development varies with tailor-made features & functionalities. With the increase in feature and complexity, the cost too will shoot high. And furthermore, with increase in a number of features and complexities, testing work also increases. This will further add to the overall cost.
How many app development skilled resources will you need?
Your car wash app business idea will get functional by the app development team along with other teams in case you are hiring App Development Company. So, make sure to hire technically proficient app developers with the best-fit skillset for your project. Based on team size you will incur a cost.
Do you value customer’s privacy?
Accessing any mobile app is much easy. Just go to the respective play store and download the app to use.
But with every online service, security is the biggest concern. Data is the goldmine for every business to operate seamlessly. And breaching the same by hackers will be a big loss to the enterprise.
That’s why while developing any app with secure coding practices is of utmost importance. For developing a highly secure app, developers need various tools. As you know, nothing is free. To experience better security, you have to pay well for it.
What about the app maintenance?
Are you in the illusion that your cost calculation task is over with your app deployment? Then you need to think twice! There is fierce competition in the app development market. In such a competitive world, certainly you should work on your app to be unique and high performing than your rivals for a longer duration.
So, make a schedule to maintain your app at least once a year based on your user’s feedback. And definitely, maintaining the app does add to your overall cost of building a car wash app.
Maintenance cost per hour: $40
What about app publishing?
And finally, you are done with your car wash app development. Now it’s time to be installed on the smartphones of users. But from where users will install it? This is the term “app publishing” that comes into the scene. So, you need to put your app on an online store so that users can have a glance and able to choose it. There are different mobile app stores which have respective charges. Let’s say for the iOS car wash app, the iOS app store can charge as high as $99 and for the Android app, Google Play Store will charge you as much as $25 at a time. So, do not think that only the app development stage will cost you. Publishing will do too.
Wrapping Up
At every stage of car wash app development, money is required. As you have gone through the blog, there are decisive factors that impact the cost of developing a car wash app including the app deployment platform, the features you want to keep in your app, the technology stack you will choose to create such app, and lots many. All the pricing figures mentioned above are roughly estimated for deciding the cost of developing a car wash app. The actual cost may vary based on your business requirements and needs.
Appinop is the most promising mobile app development company that has years of experience in building and delivering high quality and robust on-demand apps including car wash and detailing app. Consult with our experts regarding on-demand car wash app development and costing based on your business requirements.

Abhinav Chatterji
Abhinav Chatterji is part of the Digital Marketing team at Appinop Technologies. With a fine ability to craft writing pieces that present unique and fresher thought perspectives on different technology and business innovation factors, he creates content that connects with users. His deep-researched theories and valuable insights on industry-wide topics illustrate his accomplished writing portfolio. Product reviews, cost factor analysis, subject reasoning, and dissecting technologies are his power-traits.